Monday, 5 May 2014

Writing Fiction 1C

He followed her, not too close, he thought to himself nervously. This mission was so important. His first assignment since his training and employment with MI6. If he failed, his career as a spy would be over. He would do anything to avoid that after all his hard work. He had been working towards this for most of his adult life after realising quickly that he wasn't suited to a nine to five, steady job. The woman he was following stopped at the coach stop, clutching her ticket in her hand. This matched the details he had been supplied with. These were now burnt. Part of his training had been in memory. He found a seat and opened his newspaper, turning the page now and again but not really reading it. He glanced at his target from time to time, wondering what a woman like her could have done. He sighed quietly, regretting that train of thought. His job was to follow orders, not to wonder why. It was a cold, drizzly day so he was thankful for his winter jacket, red scarf and hat. He studied the target again. He thought she was about thirty, with an attractive face, and long brunette hair. She was tall and despite the fact she wore skinny jeans, she looked elegant. Looking up he caught her glance and she smiled. It completely lit up her face. He smiled a quick smile in return that didn't quite reach his eyes and let his gaze move away. His heart finally slowed when he glanced back at her. She was looking towards the road. He resolved not let this happen again. Just then the coach arrived. He carefully folded his paper and stood in line. He bought a ticket in his turn and found a seat two rows behind his target on the other side, where he could see her clearly. Relaxing slightly he breathed out, he now had two hours until the coach would arrive and he would complete his part in this mission.

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