Tuesday, 28 May 2013

A Short Story - Inheritance

My Grandad died two weeks ago from a heart attack. It was a terrible time, I've been feeling sad all the time and crying in my room. My Dad is trying to be strong but I've seen him cry for the first time which really upsets me. My parents just received a copy of the will and told me that apparently my Grandad has left me some money and I can have a momento to remember him.

My Grandad was such a fun person, he was always buying me and my sister toys when we spent days with him and Grandma, which was wonderful. He took lots of pictures of us as he was a fan of photography like my Dad. I know I will really miss him. So to tell you more about myself, my name is Naomi Daley and I'm about to turn 18 so I'm currently doing my A-Levels and wondering whether I want to go to University. It's so expensive and I'm worried about having so much debt throughout my life. 

2 Months later

So I just found out that I'm going to be inheriting £30000. It's more money than I've ever seen in my life. It made me think about my future and whether I should take a year out before university. My parent's aren't keen but I think it's a good idea because when I start work I won't have a chance to take such a long break.

6 Months later

I'm off!!! They finally agreed with my logic and agreed that I should take a year out and gave me a budget of £3000 for the year so I can save most of the inheritance. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and heading to Thailand first for a relaxing time!! 

9 Months later

It's been a wonderful 9 months. After Thailand I went to India, which was a total culture shock. People just going to the toilet on the street is disgusting, but I loved the food and learned what authentic curries taste like. I attended a cooking course and can't wait to get home and try out some of the recipes. I went to China next which again was so different to Britain. People were constantly spitting in the street and it was so dirty. Japan was amazing, I just loved all the amazing technology. After that I headed to Australia with some of the friends I have met. We've been to Sydney, which I have totally fallen in love with and we are now heading to Perth and then finally New Zealand. I don't want to leave here, I could really imagine living here which is why I've decided to study Engineering at University and hopefully have a year out working in Sydney. One day I hope to move here permanently. I'm so glad I made the choice to travel, it's changed my life!

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