Friday, 31 May 2013

Tyler James

I found myself having a strange dream last night. Basically I met Tyler James and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me in a totally amazing way!! I don't know why I dreamed this as I don't even fancy him but now I feel like maybe I do. Very Strange!! I like Tyler though, I've been to see him live twice, firstly in November where he headlined at Shepherds Bush Empire. I was fortunate enough to be right at the front and he was so close. Secondly I saw him at Musicalize in North Greenwich on the Saturday of the first May bank Holiday. I met up with some of his fans then. It was a shame he was only on for 15 minutes but he was amazing! I hope he will have another concert soon & I hope that I will actually meet him this time! Here's a drawing I did of him recently. I worked really hard on the hair but I'm not so happy with the face.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Writing Challenge - Getting a Shock

I was walking through Preston park on Saturday when a ball came hurtling towards me, I didn't have a chance to duck before it hit me square on the forehead. I literally fell on the floor hurting the back of my head too so I wasn't very happy. I think I blacked out for a minute and when I came too a guy was kneeling over me, looking worried. I sat up and immediately he started apologising, as well as passing me my bag. I had a sneaky look inside to check that everything was there, which it was. As I started to stand he lifted me up, effortlessly it seemed, and put me on my feet. I looked at him and realised he was really attractive and well built. He was looking at me in a really concerned way so I said sternly "I'm okay, just please be careful in future" As I said this I swayed a bit, damn it!!, and he said "You don't look steady on your feet yet, let me take you to the cafe for a drink so I can make sure you're okay". I rolled my eyes saying "I'm not the kind of girl that needs looking after, I'm fine". He smirked then and said "Since the accident is my fault I would worry if you left and then blacked out again, coffee then?" When I said "okay" he put his arm around me and we headed to the cafe. He lead me to an empty table and then asked "What would you like to drink?" "Um, coffee with milk and sugar please" I said reaching into my bag for my purse. "My treat" he responded heading into the cafe. He came back with my coffee and a diet coke for himself. I took a sip and looked up as he nervously started speaking "um...would you ever consider..." "What?" I said confused. "Maybe going for a drink sometime?". "You're really beautiful" He added. I looked down blushing but couldn't help taking a peek at his expression! He was smiling at me, so I couldn't help smiling too. "Okay, but tell me, is it your usual tactic to hit girls on the head before asking them to go out with you?" "It's a first for me" he laughed, leaning in and kissing me on the cheek!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Writing Challange - A Minute of My Day

Because I wasn't able to reconcile the journal I have to do I had to sit down with my manager and go through it. I spent most of the day working on it with no luck. It's 17.25 and I'm completely confused because we have spent so long trying to find this 6million difference. We have gone through so much and changed so many things, looked at some many numbers wondering if they are right, the right way round and that they aren't double coundted that I have completely forgotten what I have changed, and am so confused so I feel completely out of my depth. A scary feeling because I want to do well at work. I pluck up the courage to say that I need to leave soon, worried that my manager will want me to stay longer. He says yes though and that we will carry on tomorrow!! Yay!!

A Short Story - Inheritance

My Grandad died two weeks ago from a heart attack. It was a terrible time, I've been feeling sad all the time and crying in my room. My Dad is trying to be strong but I've seen him cry for the first time which really upsets me. My parents just received a copy of the will and told me that apparently my Grandad has left me some money and I can have a momento to remember him.

My Grandad was such a fun person, he was always buying me and my sister toys when we spent days with him and Grandma, which was wonderful. He took lots of pictures of us as he was a fan of photography like my Dad. I know I will really miss him. So to tell you more about myself, my name is Naomi Daley and I'm about to turn 18 so I'm currently doing my A-Levels and wondering whether I want to go to University. It's so expensive and I'm worried about having so much debt throughout my life. 

2 Months later

So I just found out that I'm going to be inheriting £30000. It's more money than I've ever seen in my life. It made me think about my future and whether I should take a year out before university. My parent's aren't keen but I think it's a good idea because when I start work I won't have a chance to take such a long break.

6 Months later

I'm off!!! They finally agreed with my logic and agreed that I should take a year out and gave me a budget of £3000 for the year so I can save most of the inheritance. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and heading to Thailand first for a relaxing time!! 

9 Months later

It's been a wonderful 9 months. After Thailand I went to India, which was a total culture shock. People just going to the toilet on the street is disgusting, but I loved the food and learned what authentic curries taste like. I attended a cooking course and can't wait to get home and try out some of the recipes. I went to China next which again was so different to Britain. People were constantly spitting in the street and it was so dirty. Japan was amazing, I just loved all the amazing technology. After that I headed to Australia with some of the friends I have met. We've been to Sydney, which I have totally fallen in love with and we are now heading to Perth and then finally New Zealand. I don't want to leave here, I could really imagine living here which is why I've decided to study Engineering at University and hopefully have a year out working in Sydney. One day I hope to move here permanently. I'm so glad I made the choice to travel, it's changed my life!

Monday, 27 May 2013

Writing Challenge - Slapped Face

I was simply minding my own business walking down the street today when a girl walked straight up to me and slapped me, really hard on the face. I couldn't help tearing up but tried to keep them from falling so I didn't look weak. 
"Who the hell do you think you are to slap me like that". I say holding my throbbing face.
"Who the hell are you to steal by boyfriend Wayne" She replies angrily.
"What..." I start to say, shocked.
"He walked out two days ago saying he had met someone else"
"Oh shit, we've been together 6 months, I can't believe this!"I say angry now and getting my mobile phone out to call him.
"Wayne, this girl...what's your name?"
"...Danielle thinks I stole you from her. What the hell is going on?"
"You get down here right now" I shout into the phone telling him where I am.
It takes him 20 minutes to arrive and I am tapping my feet as I wait. 
"Wayne?" Danielle asks looking at him longingly. "What's going on? Don't you love me anymore?"
As she said it tears pour down her face and I actually feel sorry for her. How dare he put me in this position.
"So what's going on?" I ask him already guessing the truth that he has been messing us both around.
"Um...I'm sorry" He mumbles. 
"So which of us do you love?" Danielle asks sniffing.
"Um..." he says.
"I think it's clear that he's been messing us both around" I say more confidently than I feel.
He looks down awkwardly.
"Well I don't want to see you again" I tell him. "You can stay out of my life" I shout as I start walking away. I stop when I get to the end of the street as I can't see anything through the tears which fall heavily now. I really thought he loved me. I wipe them away and look back to see Wayne and Danielle walking away hand in hand.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

A Short Story - Good Friends

Lucy is a total perfectionist! She works in an office and all the papers have to be at right angles to each other, that is if she needs any papers on her desk. If not they are filed away neatly. When she works on her computer she makes sure that all the numbers are formatted the same way and hates it when people leave tabs unnamed. People actually appreciate her organisation because she keeps a record of all birthdays and organises any stationery required. When she gets home each day she cleans her house from top to bottom. She immediately files all the bills and then reheats her meal. Every weekend she makes meals for the week and freezes them ready to eat on the right day. She actually has the same meal on the same day every week. Only when the washing up is done after dinner can she relax and watch something on television. As far as she's concerned her life is perfect!

One day she goes into work and her manager tells her the shocking news that her job has been disbanded and she's now unemployed. She can't help but break down, so shocked and worried about the future. She's offered a fairly decent redundancy amount but isn't able to get a job straight away. Her friend Jane invites her to move in. Lucy and Jane are good friends but so different. Jane is pretty messy and as far as Lucy is concerned, very disorganised however Lucy has no choice but to accept her kind offer.

They settle into a routine, Jane goes to work and while she is there Lucy cleans. Jane has never seen the place so clean, or tidy. She struggles to find anything she needs but is very understanding about it to a point. One day she simply has to ask Lucy to stop it. So it's a tricky start but they find that they LOVE living together. Lucy lightens up so much and Jane finds herself enjoying cleaning more and keeping things tidy.When Lucy eventually finds a job they both feel very sad as they have really enjoyed living together. One Friday night when they are both home sharing a bottle of wine, Lucy says "I've loved living with you Jane.." "Me too, it's been so much fun" replies Jane. They smile at each other and as good friends often do, said together "How would you feel about living together permanantly?"

Monday, 20 May 2013

A Short Story

Jessica is 35, and she works in a bank as a mortgage adviser. She's single; Always single! She's never had a long term relationship and feels that at her age that she's been left on the shelf. For a while she tried to meet men by trying speed dating and internet dating but now she's given up hope altogether of ever having a relationship, getting married and having children. All the things she wanted in her life.

Richard is Jessica's colleague. He is also a mortgage adviser. He's 40 and ever since he started work at the bank he has liked Jessica. Unfortunately Richard is very shy and really struggles to chat to women and have the confidence to ask them out so he has never told Jessica how he feels. 

Sometimes in life something happens to bring people together because it just won't happen otherwise!!

On this particular day the manager was sick. He was due to attend a dinner with all the branch managers in that area. He asked Richard to attend in his place and suggested Jessica go with him. He wasn't matchmaking just thinking two heads would be better than one! There was some business before dinner but the dinner was essentially a jolly! Richard and Jessica stayed together as they didn't know any of the other managers! There was plenty of free alcohol which went down very fast! Jessica was having a wonderful time as she didn't usually allow herself to go out during the week.The wine went straight to her head!! She realised how funny Richard was and wondered why she'd never noticed before! The wine loosened Richard up and for the first time with Jessica he was able to be himself!! He loved how she was laughing at his jokes! "You're so beautiful" he told her, blushing as the words came out of his mouth!! She blushed too but smiling at the same time!! "Thanks, I'm really enjoying your company tonight". As she said it she leaned over and kissed him lightly on the mouth.They kissed again, and then realising that they were acting slightly inappropriately they left the restaurant. Jessica went back with Richard to his flat and basically never left! They married within the year!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

A Short Story - The best day of my Life

Since I met I haven't stopped smiling. It was a dream come true! It's amazing how Will inspired me to believe in my dreams and suddenly the biggest one came true! Just to tell you a bit more about myself, my name's Lucy Brown and I'm seventeen! I was shopping in Central London when I met him. I live close to London so travel there when ever I can! I know Will loves London and I always feel happier when he is here as I feel so close to him. On the day I met him I had just left New Look when I saw him a little way away walking towards me! I shouted "Will" and ran towards him! When we got closer I smiled and waved and he waved back. It wasn't the best weather, which is unusual as it tends to be sunny when he is here. Some people say he carries the sun in his pocket!! So the wind was blowing quite a bit and his hair was all messy which I couldn't help smiling at as it looked so cute! I said "Hello" and then mentioned to him how his hair looked. I was nervous but asked him if he would like me to fix it for him! He said "yes, that'd be dope". His hair felt even more amazing than I had ever imagined!! We chatted while I was sorting his hair about what he was doing in London and suddenly a gust of wind blew all my hair across my face. Bless him, Will gently removed my hair from my face and tucked it all behind my ears. Just to have his fingers on my face and in my hair felt incredible, more than I had ever dreamed of. He had to go to an appointment then but invited me to meet him at a club where he was working later and we took some photos. He also said he would follow me on twitter which he did on his phone straight away!! He tweeted me later to say he really enjoyed meeting me!! It really was the best day of my life.

I love this picture of Will!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

A Short Story

Amy remembers being tucked into bed when she was little and her Mum reading her lots of stories about princesses! As she got older she dreamed of being a princess and watched all the Disney movies! Her favourite was Cinderella! She loved school and especially art! Her Dad taught her how to use his camera, to develop film & so her passion for photography began! Amy's Mum was keen for her to go to University but she struggled for a while to decide what to study! In the end she decided on Art History and found a great course at St Andrews University in Scotland! On her first day she met a lovely girl called Kate. They were staying on the same floor of the accommodation building and Amy was happy to meet someone who was on her course. After a couple of weeks they heard the rumours that Prince William was studying there too, and when they finally met him a few weeks later Amy
was happy to see how down to earth and friendly he was. They all became friends and spent a lot of time together so when Kate and William started dating she was thrilled for them, and a little jealous too! Amy spent four years at St Andrews and was sad when she finished there, especially as she had made such good friends. She vowed to keep in contact with them! Amy got a good 2:1 which she was very happy with and she was keen get a job straight away. She found a great job in London in an art gallery, where she was soon promoted. She was thrilled to be invited to the wedding, especially as she was asked to take the photos! She had been sure they would marry eventually as they were such a lovely couple! Wow, real life was much better that all those fairy tales she loved as a child!